Wow, it's pretty late for a Halloween post. Despite having the day off, I did absolutely nothing for Halloween. However, my sisters sent me pictures of their kids dressed up, so I still got to experience one of the best parts of Halloween without leaving the comfort of my own home.
My mom threw her annual Halloween themed Bunco party a few weeks ago. Since her last one was such a success, she went over and beyond this year to try to top it. Every square inch of her house was decorated. There was even a fake graveyard in the the front lawn. Everyone wore costumes to the party and while most of the middle aged housewives chose something subdued or cutesy, my sister went full on zombie.
And I did her makeup. It was 10 minutes before people were supposed to be showing up and she let me know that I was going to do her makeup. Thankfully, zombie makeup is really easy. Just put on regular makeup very very badly.
10 minutes before the start of any party my mom throws is always frantic. It doesn't matter how many hours, days, weeks, she spends preparing. We are always running around throwing everything together until the moment people start walking in the door.
I wanted to take some pictures of the pretty table settings like last year, but they turned out pretty bad because 1: I was in a hurry 2: my cell phone camera gets worse every year. Behold.
And here's a good example of how overboard my mom likes to go with these things: the different rooms in the house had different themes. The living room was witches, the dining room spiders, and the spare bedroom: zombies. This was the centerpiece of the room.
I have no idea how much this thing cost, but it's motion activated and rocks back and forth and sings to its little zombie child. This is haunted house quality stuff.
Since it took up a large portion of my week off, I feel I should mention that I participated in my annual Autumn Repainting of One Side of my House last week. It only took three days, which seems pretty good ,since I didn't start working on it until after noon every day and the first time I painted a side of the house it took me a full seven days. Yeah, I know it's sad. But now I feel like I finally know a little about what I'm doing (and it only took me 4 years!)
Day one: scrape old paint, wash off dirt and gunk, caulk, NO SPACKLE
Day two: prime and paint
Day three: paint trim and clean up
I use a good, old fashioned paper wall calendar to keep up with bills, birthdays, reminders, etc. Thanks to a printing error on my calendar, all year I thought that I had to work on Thanksgiving, which didn't surprise me much since I've worked every Thanksgiving since I graduated college.
Guys, November 21st is not Thanksgiving Day. This calendar is a liar. It's the following Thursday and I have the day off! I was excited for a few minutes before realizing that between Perry's family and my own I will be sitting at a dinner table having awkward extended family conversation all day.