Sunday, November 18, 2012

thanksgiving break

Friday evening marked the beginning of my boyfriend's Thanksgiving week break. Normal university students only get a four day weekend for the holiday but, since Perry is student teaching middle-schoolers this semester, their breaks are his breaks and their break is a week long for Thanksgiving. His plans for his week of leisure are to go out to a restaurant and the movie theater every day until Thursday when I have to go back to work. Three days in, and we're still on track to realizing our goal.




Well I guess Jack in the Box isn't exactly fine dining or anything, but neither of us were very hungry and some fake tacos sounded pretty good as a fast snack before the movie. I liked Skyfall alright. The last act was a bit odd since it seemed like the tone of the movie really changed, but ultimately it was as expected: a fun action film that didn't insult your intelligence too much.



I guess Jack in the Box's fake tacos got us in the mood for real tacos because Perry suggested this new taco place the following day. I've never even heard of Torchy's Tacos before but he'd been there once on his lunch break at school. It was amazing. Really. I had the Mr. Orange and we're going back soon.

Flight was an alright movie also. The bottom line was "Drugs are bad, okay... and alcohol's a drug too, guys." I thought it was going to be more about a plane crashing but it was really about the pilot's life crash and burning due to addiction.



I am in love with this Greek restaurant. The dolmas, the octopus, the soup, the hummus. I have a hard time narrowing down my selection whenever I go there.

I can't exactly give a review about Cloud Atlas since we haven't seen it yet. There's only one showing at the local theater and it's still an hour away. I've see a preview for it and it seems like they're trying to tell a lot of stories, so I'm a bit skeptical about if they can tell them all well.

Whenever I get to do something wasteful and silly and fun like a week-long movie marathon I can't help but feel a bit guilty. I feel guilty about having the free time, the extra money, and someone else to do it with.  But since this is Thanksgiving week I think I'll just replace "guilty" with "thankful" and that will set everything right.

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