Tuesday, January 28, 2014


January! I hardly knew ye. The month kicked off with my nephew's birthday. Since I rarely get to see him on his birthday, I just mail him his gift and my sister sends me a forced-smile thank you picture in return.

I've been saving the picture I get from her every year. I don't know why. Maybe when I accumulate enough I'll create an embarrassing collage to give him. And I don't know if you can tell from this picture, but I got him a Legos castle set. I'm on a Legos roll lately.
My mother also has a January birthday, and since I won't be seeing her on her actual birthday either, I baked her a cake this weekend to celebrate a bit early.
I'm a boxed-cake maker kind of girl, but I made this one from scratch using a recipe I found online. It's hard to taste test a cake since you can't steal a slice without it being rather noticeable, so I was hoping I would get to snag a piece when I visited my parents. However, I didn't stay for dinner so I'll have to take their word for it that it turned out well.
And the 31st will mark Reggie's one year anniversary of living with us. He is so sweet, well behaved, loveable, and lazy. It really is hard to remember exactly what it was like without him.

A few weeks ago it seemed like his fluffiness was about to consume him, so we gave him a shave and he looked so different that it took a while to get used to the de-fluffed version of him.

Pre haircut:

Post haircut:

Oh, dear. So. Cute.
I now realize that I forgot to brag about all of the books I received for Christmas this year. So let me take care of that now. Check it out!

I've started reading The Luminaries first. I'm only about a hundred pages through it, and I'm a little worried since it seems to be a murder mystery/whodunit kind of book and I dont' typically get into those very much. But it's very well written, so I know I'll finish it.

My work lunch break book, is Dance of Dragons, which I know is going to take a while for me to finish since I'm only reading it in 30 minute intervals, but there's no rush since the next book in the series has yet to be written.
So, I had been thinking about going to yoga classes again. It's been 3 years since I last went, but I did enjoy it. After a while I just couldn't justify the expense. I tried buying some yoga videos and doing them at home, but I learned that I get bored very easily with a set routine, so I stopped. However, I realized earlier this month that my Amazon Prime subscription gives me access to a lot of free workout videos, so I've been trying it out and I'm enjoying it so far. I haven't had to re-watch the same video twice. I've never watched The Biggest Loser, but I still know who this chick is

For whatever reason, I was inclined not to like her, but I still tried out one of her videos and I'm glad I did. She kind of scares me, but the routines are really good and easy to follow.

I dont' have much else to say. For the second time in six months I woke up with an annoying pain in my neck that's lasted at least five days. I don't know if I should buy a fancier/better pillow (but I love my pillow!) or just not sleep for more than eleven hours in a row. 

Oh, and it looks like some one's about to build a house on the lot next to mine that's been vacant for the past six years. It will be nice for it to not be an empty neglected area, but still...construction isn't fun. Two summers ago it was them building a house two lots over and blocking the alley way for months. Then last summer it was the city completely tearing up the alley and replacing the water pipes underneath. After it was done, the alley was a lot nicer (they put gravel down!), but still. I'll be happy when it's over. 

And to wrap it up, my mom bought me an orchid last week. Here's some pictures. Because it's huge and beautiful.

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