Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I don't know how I've never heard this Queen song before. In case you haven't either, I'm here to help you out.

And in case you've never seen Mulholland Drive:

Speaking of Mulholland Drive, I don't know anyone who really liked this movie. It's hard to follow and it's like two completely different people wrote and directed the first and the second half and it's weird. Weird. But you should watch it, if only for the Club Silencio scene. You are told directly that "there is no band", that it's all a recording, but when that woman gets on stage and starts singing, the song hits you in the gut and you still feel shocked and a bit betrayed when she falls to the ground and it turns out, was just a recording, an illusion. And then you get to thinking about the illusion of movies in general and the illusions in your own life and then you get a headache and take a nap.

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