Monday, October 8, 2012


Thankfully, last Saturday didn't consist solely of a trip to the local landfill. My brother and I went to Six Flags the same day. It was pretty fun. There was, of course, lots of lines and waiting, but it was nice and cool so we weren't miserable and sweaty the whole time. I broke a promise I made to myself about ten years ago that I would never ride the Texas Giant again. It's a old wooden roller coaster and riding it felt like the equivalent of sitting in the the bed of a truck while it rolled off the side of the hill. My neck and back were traumatized and I had a headache for the rest of the day. I went on it again last weekend because my brother insisted that it was different since the sign to the entrance said  "New Texas Giant." And I don't know what they did to it since the last time I rode it, but it was probably the best ride of the day.
I didn't take any picture while I was at Six Flags so this generic picture of the Texas Giant will have to do.
My boyfriend didn't go to Six Flags. He's prone to migraines and roller coaster rides have triggered them in the past. He wasn't too broken up about it though. He already had this Saturday planned out for a while since a new Magic set was released this weekend.

He has three friends nearby who are fellow Magic players, so they met and nerded it up all day. I'll play a few games just with my boyfriend, but I don't feel confident enough to play with other people, even if they are friends. I still have to stop him (rather frequently) to remind me what an ability does, I have a hard time keeping up with my power/toughness once you start adding auras and enchantments, and I've given up on ever being able to play an infect deck.

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